CAS 2.0 ® Practice Introduction:
Getting started with client advisory services as a revenue-generating business line for your firm

This half-day workshop is targeted at firms in the Introductory phase of their CAS journeys; these firms are likely evaluating starting a CAS practice, or have recently hired new-to-CAS staff. The workshop will be facilitated by staff who have worked with hundreds of firms along their CAS journeys. Learners will be led through independent activities to make decisions about how a CAS practice could look for their clients, staff, and firm. At the end of the workshop, participants will have a list of next steps to continue along the CAS journey. Upon registering for this workshop, you will also gain 12-month access to four self-studies*, as part of the CAS 2.0 ® Practice Introduction pathway.

*The self-study courses will be available in January 2025. You’ll receive additional information via email on the courses, including how to access them, in January. To access the self-study course descriptions and learning objectives, click here.



Upon completion of the Introduction to Client Advisory Services (CAS) Workshop, you will be able to:

  • Shift the firm mindset to see the value in building and offering client advisory services (CAS).
  • Differentiate between CAS and bookkeeping or consulting services that are not CAS.
  • Identify needs for dedicated staff, including the potential to use non-traditional talent.
  • Understand that technology drives efficiency in a CAS practice.
  • Plan for success by standardizing client services, processes and reports.
  • Establish pricing models that benefit form technology and standardization efficiencies.
  • Define a strategy to communicate the changes introduced by client advisory services to firm, staff and clients.

*Pricing listed is per seat.

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11:30 AM - 3:30 PM (EST)

Welcome and short history of CAS 

Defining modern client advisory services 

CAS best practices (participant activities) 

CAS as an Innovative practice area 

CAS staffing 

CAS KPIs and metrics 

CAS pricing 

CAS technology 

CAS change management 

Planning your CAS practice 

Amy Bridges Ashley Doyen
Time Zone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) [Change Time Zone]

CPE Credit

Prerequisite: None 

Advanced Preparation: None

Field of Study: Business Management and Organization  

Number of CPE credits: 
       4.0 (workshop)
       4.0 (self-studies)

Program Level: Basic

Instructional Method : 
       Group Live Internet-Based  (workshop)
       Self-Study (self-study courses)

Opportunities for pre-workshop learning may be sent in advance with your workshop materials. No advanced preparation is required to participate in this workshop. (Registration # 108347) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site:


You may cancel your attendance at the workshop at any time, but you will not be eligible for a refund or credit. You can reschedule your attendance to the same workshop, at a later date if the following conditions are met: i) this is the first time that you are rescheduling this workshop, ii) you are providing your request to reschedule at least one day prior to the workshop that you were originally scheduled to attend, iii) this workshop is scheduled to be repeated at least once in the 6 months following your written request to reschedule, and iv) you are selecting a date to attend the workshop that is no later than 6 months from the date of your request to reschedule. 

For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints, cancellations, and refunds, please contact